Beatriz Guerrero

Beatriz with purple flowers in back

I'm a Front End Web Developer
creating fun(ctional) websites!

Bienvenidos. I'm Beatriz,
a Front End Web Developer creating
websites that are fun(ctional).

About Me

Beatriz with purple flowers in back

Hi, I'm Beatriz and I'm excited to bake some awesome websites! I mean *make* some websites... anyways...

As we move towards a future that is more and more dependent on computers and smartphones, my goal as a Front End Web Developer is to be able to create websites that everyone can effectively use and understand.

When I'm not firing up the command line and coding up a storm, you can find me baking some cookies, a chocolate cake, or some slow-cooked ribs... Anything that involves a hot oven and complicated directions, I'm there! I guess you could say building from scratch is my thing!


Ferrari and Fanta

Ferrari and Fanta

Website for senior pets, Ferrari and Fanta. Designed this project to show how amazing adopted pets can be when given a second chance at love.

Live Page


CSS3 | HTML5 | Media Queries | Dog Snacks


GitHub gallery

GitHub gallery that shows visitors my repos through the use of APIs. Click on a repo to pull information from my GitHub account.

Live Page


APIs | JavaScript | Manipulate the DOM


Isa's website

Personalized website for my sister, Isaura! Using HTML and CSS, I created a simple website that represents her throughout the years.

Live Page


HTML5 | CSS3 | Media Queries | JavaScript

Skills & Tools

  • Version Control
  • JavaScript
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive Typography
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • APIs
  • Python
  • Git & the Command Line
  • Chrome DevTools
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio Code